Good Till Time (GTT) orders are used in trading platforms, including cryptocurrency exchanges. These orders remain active until they are executed, canceled by the trader, or reached a predetermined expiration date and time.
In contrast to Good Till Cancelled (GTC) orders, which stay active indefinitely until manually canceled, GTT orders have a set lifespan. This provides traders greater control over their trading strategies and capital management.
Suppose you expect an altcoin to become more volatile due to an upcoming network upgrade in two weeks. You place a buy order at a favorable price using a GTT order, setting it to expire shortly after the upgrade date. If the target price isn't reached within your timeframe, the order is automatically canceled. This allows you to reallocate your funds to other opportunities without needing to intervene manually.
Example Scenario:
If the order is not filled by the expiration time, it is automatically canceled. This ensures your funds are no longer tied up in the unexecuted order.