OHLCV stands for Open, High, Low, Close, and Volume - these are the key data points used to track price movement of stocks, cryptocurrencies, or other financial instruments over a specific time period (like hourly or daily).

OHLCV is a set of five fundamental metrics that track cryptocurrency price movement and trading activity over a specific time period (like 1 minute, 1 hour, or 1 day):

O (Open): The price at which a cryptocurrency starts trading at the beginning of the period.

H (High): The highest price reached during that period.

L (Low): The lowest price reached during the period.

C (Close): The final trading price at the end of the period.

V (Volume): The total amount of the cryptocurrency traded during that period.

For example, a daily Bitcoin OHLCV data point might look like this:

Date: 2024-11-08
Open: $65,000
High: $67,000
Low: $63,000
Close: $66,000
Volume: 30,000 BTC

This data is crucial for technical analysis, as it helps traders understand price movement, market sentiment, and trading activity in cryptocurrency markets.

To learn more about OHLCV data and how to use it, read Understanding OHLCV in Crypto Market Data Analysis.