A trading pair is a combination of two different cryptocurrencies or a cryptocurrency and a fiat currency that can be traded against each other on an exchange.
Trading pairs enable the exchange of one asset for another by showing the relative value of each.
For example, in the BTC/ETH pair, Bitcoin (BTC) can be traded for Ethereum (ETH) and vice versa. This mechanism allows traders to assess how much of one cryptocurrency is needed to acquire another.
In a trading pair, the first currency listed is the base currency, and the second is the quote currency. The base currency is the asset you are buying or selling, while the quote currency is what you use to make the trade.
For instance, in the EUR/USD pair, EUR is the base currency, and USD is the quote currency. This indicates how many USD are needed to purchase one EUR.
Trading pairs can be categorized into two main types:
When choosing a trading pair, consider factors such as trading volume, liquidity, and volatility. High-volume pairs like BTC/ETH typically offer greater liquidity and tighter spreads. This makes them more suitable for frequent trading and arbitrage.