Crypto prices are highly volatile and trade 24/7. Calculating the fiat value of transactions at the exact time they occurred across different time zones can be burdensome. Moreover, users often trade on global exchanges, creating confusion about which country's tax rules apply. Other jurisdictions treat crypto assets and transactions differently.
Complex crypto transactions and the need to track cost basis accurately
Handling large volumes of transaction data and ensuring data accuracy
Integrating crypto transactions with existing accounting systems
Dealing with different types of crypto assets and their varying tax treatment
Lack of historical data from the cryptocurrency market
Spending a lot of time collecting data from various resources
Poor data quality
Our API is built by developers, for developers. We give you the right tools and resources to streamline your workflow and complete products faster and more efficiently.
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“CoinAPI is the perfect solution for real-time information sourced from all exchanges, offering user-friendly APIs for developers and investors.“